Stop recommending libraries Tags: webdevelopment, programming.Q:
Can someone explain how text ranges work in Javascript?
I recommend using jQuery or MooTools for this. [Link to how it's done in Mootools]
Wrong answer.
That's not the answer to the question, that's how
you would do it given that you already use a library on your site and
you don't really care about
how it works. If the asker is not already using a library, it's
Why we can change calendar systems alright Tags: datetime, networking.IPv6 is probably one of the biggest changes we have ever tried to undertake. It affects billions of people, and hundreds of thousands of engineers need to learn how to work with it. It'll succeed of course with the hot breath of a lingering shortage of addresses in our neck, but it's a really big operation.
IPv6 is better in many ways, not just number of addresses though. But it would have taken forever, perhaps literally, to switch without the address shortage. I feel it's the same for our calendar system.
Not sure what music to put on? Tags: music.Got one of those moments where you want to put some music on but aren't really sure what? Just for yourself I mean, not on a party or anything. Let me suggest something: Collect all the music you listened to in the past 10 years, put it to shuffle, and then hit play.
This was easy for me as I keep everything in my library at,
Annoying writing styles Tags: writing.I don't mean to be rude, but...
But you are. Think of a politer way to say it. This shows you simply do not care.
This is a line of 4pt unreadable text that was not worth reading.
Small text is fine so people who skim can skip it, but the minimum size is 8pt or by exception 7pt. Beyond that it's unreadable and simply a pain for everyone.
Argument against teachers refusing to give you a 100% score Tags: real life, school.You certainly know or have heard of this kind of teacher who
never gives anyone a 100% score (called A+ I think in America, or a 10 here, or a 20 in France..). It makes no sense you think, you earned that score didn't you?