A blog about tech, programming, security, and various other subjects.

About my website  Tags: websites, webdevelopment, my blog.
Thought I'd write a bit about this blog, the ideas and origins behind some things.

Why'd I start a blog?
Let's begin at the beginning. About a year ago I started reading more on the web. Of course you read all day long when you are on the computer, but it are all bits and pieces. I'm talking about stuff which is like 14 pages in length (on a full HD screen). Back then I read a lot on qntm.org,
Py2exe simplifier  Tags: programming.
Just a quick post: It took me way too long to find out how I should convert .py files to executables with py2exe. I just want to give it an input file, and let it figure out the rest by itself. After I found out I thought, this should be easily automated. And so it was.

Prerequisites for this:
- Python installed (example directory is C:\>Python27)
- py2exe installed

Put the following script in your Python directory and name it py2exe.cmd
What'sUpp with your malware policy?  Tags: networking, apps, privacy.
WhatsApp for Symbian is badly written malicious software as far as I can see. Moreover, their TOS and Privacy Policy looks good on first sight, until you read it carefully. Also I noticed most users still manage to miss the text saying that it's not actually free after a year.

In short: It remains active 24/7 (including a network connection, preferably by 3G) even after closing it in every possible way; it alters your phone software; and they can sell your user data if they want to. The TOS I agree with on install cannot be viewed, but if I want to sue them over using my phonebook without permission (or even telling me) I'd apparently have to pay the lawyers for them as well as my own.
32.6 bits  Tags: randomthought, networking.
"The title refers to the fact that there are only 6.6 billion people in the world, so you only need 33 bits (more precisely, 32.6 bits) of information about a person to determine who they are."

32.6 bits, that's not a lot. My unique identifier could be N&1A+ and it would more than enough to uniquely identify me if you gave every person on the planet a code of the same length.

Did you know that IPv4, the protocol
On security questions  Tags: security, websites.
Security questions, as still used by many websites among which Windows Live, are conceptually flawed in many ways. They should never have been launched on the scale that they have, they should never have been taken as seriously as they have, and they should have been phased out long ago by now--the only thing they haven't. Also I discovered recently that their purpose is a mystery to many users, which only increases the security risk they introduce by a lot.

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