The routing project Tags: networking, computers, Windows.I've worked at this project for a couple months, every few weeks spending a couple hours testing some new idea. It was at internship and I only finished it by coincidence a few days before I also finished internship (and I graduated, yay!).
The challenge was to setup internet on my laptop. Sounds simple enough, right? Let's see how complicated we can make this :)
I had one company-issued Windows computer with no administrator privileges. I could look at the IP configuration, but that was about it.
How my grandparents' home connection got 100x faster than my server's Tags: computers, real life.Reggefiber is putting down FTTH connections to most people around here. Much of the network up to the local exchange points is already optic fiber, only now it goes from the local exchange point to your home over fiber. This is quite a massive operation to connect thousands of homes, and at least 30% of the people have to do it to make it worthwhile. Most cities reach 30% and can then choose which ISP they want. Reggefiber just puts down the connection, they don't provide the internet service itself; nevermind that they're 51% owned by one of the ISPs, namely KPN, but
on paper they're unbiased.
So my grandparents are almost 80 years old.
Android, rooting, warranty, Linux and more Tags: apps, software, tutorials.As suggested by
@wesleypennock, I'll tell you more about running Linux on Android. Actually he asked about Xfce, but that would be a rather short article ;)
Rooted phone
First of all, you need a rooted phone. I was kind of shocked to hear how few people have a rooted phone, since there is no good reason not to do it. Except when you don't need it, like my mother, but many tech people also don't have it because it'd void warranty.
I'm sorry Tags: apps, social networks.If you're a friend of mine, I probably leaked your first name, phone number, probably last name, and potentially your home address and email address to a company located on the other side of the world. But odds are that you can't complain because you did the same to me over and over again.
Unlike you though, it's not like I didn't take precautions to prevent your data from leaking. I've tried everything practically possible with my knowledge of Android to protect you, but the malware punched right through it.
IPv6 adoption Tags: networking, my blog, my server.IPv6 adoption is still rather slow. Some Dutch ISPs promised support during "early 2013". I'd say "early" has come and gone by now. They probably were planning for it, then saw the hype drop off after IPv6 day and rescheduled. Some announced to have delayed it, others never said it would happen. The only ISP that I know supporting a full and free IPv6 connection is XS4ALL. Heck, we get a /64 IPv6 subnet by default at no cost! That's more than
twice the entire IPv4 space.