A blog about tech, programming, security, and various other subjects.

Are you affected by Adobe's hack?  Tags: websites, security.
I wrote a tool that checks whether your email address and password were among the ones hacked at Adobe. It won't be online forever, just for a few days I think.

You can find it here: https://lucb1e.com/credgrep

The reason it won't be online forever is because it needs a daemon to run. Searching a 10GB file is not trivial, so instead of searching it for everyone individually I wrote a program that does it in the background (daemon). Whenever someone adds a search, it is added to the database.
Google search results keyboard shortcuts stopped working  Tags: websites.
Just a very quick post, since I couldn't find the right solution easily elsewhere...

At Google you can use keyboard shortcuts to navigate in search results. The most used is probably tab and then enter, which just brings you to the first search result. By pressing tab, arrow keys, and then enter, it opens other results. And ctrl+enter will even nicely open it in new tabs (to which you can switch with ctrl+tab).

From time to time, these keyboard shortcuts stop working. Google offers no settings for this nor explanation why it would ever stop working; it just breaks and you worry the awesome feature has been removed.
Outlook.com is deleting mail at random  Tags: websites, e-mail.
Just a heads up warning for everyone: over the past week I've noticed that Outlook.com is randomly but consistently not delivering certain e-mail. It may or may not affect you, I'm not sure what triggers the error.

As you may have read before I am using a somewhat odd way of handling email and email addresses. So far it has always worked fine and the only spam I get is legacy stuff that is not using my new system. So I can really recommend this, plus it sparks interesting conversations at times.

So what happens is this:
Cookieless cookies  Tags: webdevelopment, privacy.
I've made a little one-page project about tracking users using ETag headers instead of cookies. It's not new, but many websites employ this while nobody knows about it.

The page pretty much speaks for itself, so here it is:

Laptops, SSDs and wear  Tags: hardware, computers.
So I'm thinking about getting a new laptop with an SSD. No actually,
a laptop and an SSD. There's a big difference: When comparing some similar laptops, it turns out that the ones with an SSD are much more expensive.

Take the Asus K56CB-XX311H and HP Envy 6-1208ed. Same CPU, RAM, one has an SSD of 128GB and the other a 500GB HDD.

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